Below you will find a mix of fun bits and pieces:
Songs, animations, freebies and more!
Below are some free extras to accompany my books.
Simply download and enjoy!
The Animal Song, Song and Story
A free audio accompaniment to the book.
Stream from the links below.
Come Out, Come Out, Chameleon - Printable colouring in sheet
Simply download and print
Big Boys Cry - Printable colouring in sheet
Simply download and print
Cub - Printable colouring in sheet
Simply download and print
Big Boys Cry - Activity sheet
Simply download and print
A collection of models, created as part of the development of my picture books.
Cub - Street
Here I built a miniature set of Magnus’ grandparents’ street to help compose the opening illustration.
The Animal Song - Character studies
During the development of The Animal Song, I made clay models of the characters to help get familiar with them, and a set to photograph them on.
Big Boys Cry - Lighthouse
Here I modelled the lighthouse from Big Boys Cry with clay and coloured paper.
Below is a small selection of my animated work.